struts2 EL disabled.
If you have been developing Struts2 applications in version <= 2.0.9, there are two important compatibility issues that you must address before you can upgrade to 2.0.11 or 2.1. These are the portlet compatibility issues and EL expression issue in Struts2 tags.
1. Struts 2.0.9 contained a major security issue as detailed here. The problem was that using EL expressions and OGNL tags at the same time in Struts2 tags, malicious code could be executed. The fix in 2.0.11 was to disable EL expressions completely(!). This means that code written in 2.0.9 will break in 2.0.11 if you have used EL expressions in JSP. If you have a well tested production system, this means total nightmare. Well, now you are between devil and the sea!
스트럿츠 버전이 2.0.11로 올라가면서 EL 표현식이 사라졌다.
그래서 이전에 EL로 구현에 놓은 페이징 처리 페이지를 보면 TLD에러를 뿜어 냈나 보다.
햇갈려서 ... 검색하고 다니다가 찾았다...
여기가 발견한 페이지.
이제 EL은 버리고 OGNL로만 고고싱 하는거다.