Internet Explorer 8 beta 올해 말 출시
My side/잡다한 이야기2007. 6. 28. 23:26
인터넷 익스 플로러 8이 출시될 예정 이라는군요.(날림 해석입니다 -_ㅠ)
내용을 대충 읽어 보면.. 비스타 sp1하고 같이나온다는건가..
XP에 대한 지원이 2009년까지는 중지 되지 않는다고 하는군요.. xp 유저들을 지원하는 IE 8이 되고..
또.. 같은 방법으로 ie7도 릴리즈 된다는데..두가지 방법이 있데요.. 비스타 보안설정방법과 xp sp2 나 sp3용으로.. sp3가 출시 될 수도 있다는 말인가 -ㅁ-?
그 이후로는 글쓴이 생각인데 마지막을 보면 IE7에서 서비스팩 없이 IE8 으로 바로 넘어가는지 어떻게 생각하는지 물어 보고 있네요. 자신은 FireFox를 확장성 때문에 쓴다는데.. 파이어폭스 addon이 좋긴 좋죠 ㅎㅎ 하지만 전 오페라 쓴답니다 -_-ㅋ
개발자에게 좀 편하게 나왔으면 한다고 하는데..
어디선가 글을 봤는데 웹 표준을 준수한 브라우저를 보면 오페라>파폭>IE 이런순이라더군요..
우리나라 사이트는 대부분 IE에 맞춰져 있어서 오페라만으로는 인터넷을 즐겁게 할 수 없지만 크게 지장은 없습니다. (티스토리 글쓸때 IE가 편해요 ㅠ_ㅠ)
파폭도 좋긴 하지만 오페라의 날렵함에 반해 버렸어요 ^-^
아래는 글 원문 [원문 사이트]
Internet Explorer 8 Beta to begin later this year
Written by 999
According to Microsoft, the Internet Explorer 8 Beta is set to begin when Vista SP1 ships later this year. There is no information on when the exact date would be. However, since mainstream support for XP doesn’t end until April 2009 Microsoft will support IE 8 to Windows XP users.
But in the same way that IE 7 was released, there will be 2 versions: one that is built on the security settings of Vista, and the other one on the settings of XP SP2 or SP3. More info will be posted when available
Is Internet Explorer 8 in the works?
Who needs Internet Explorer 7 when you can just wait for Internet Explorer 8? According to ActiveWin, Microsoft has already been working diligently on Internet Explorer 7’s successor, and there are no plans for the team to stop for a service pack. The Internet Explorer development team will supposedly have the next version ready to go out the door within the next two years.
One Microsoft official at CES has told that work has already begun for IE 8, the next version of Internet Explorer, and we can expect to see a final product within 18-24 months. In addition, there are reportedly no plans for an interim service pack, but rather focus completely on the next version, which will compete even more directly with Firefox.
ActiveWin’s report is completely plausible, but we weren’t able to verify the rumor. Instead, a Microsoft spokesperson told Ars that the company is not prepared to discuss future iterations of the browser.
Microsoft is committed to Internet Explorer and is actively working on the next version of the browser. We are excited about the positive reception Internet Explorer 7 has received and are currently looking at market feedback and customer needs as we work on future versions. However we are not commenting on future plans at this time.
How do you feel about Microsoft skipping out on service packs for Internet Explorer 7 and jumping straight into Internet Explorer 8? As long as the browser is kept as secure as possible, I can’t see why that would be a problem. If Microsoft is listening, I’d like to see Internet Explorer 8 be a little more developer-friendly. I use Firefox because of all the wonderful Extensions, but I would consider switching back to Internet Explorer if Microsoft had something even close to comparable. I will say that Add-Ons are definitely a step in the right direction, though.